Saturday, March 19, 2011

Irish Publican Bans the Queen

[Dublin publican, John Stokes, has been ordered to remove the banner draping the front of his bar which says Queen Elizabeth II is barred from the premise during her official State visit in May.

Judge Paul Kelly told the publican to remove the sign and not put up a replacement.
Speaking in the Dublin District Court Judge Kelly said "You have a perfect right to protest as long as you do this within the law…I’ve no doubt there will be a planning issue with a sign that size.”
Outside the court Stokes told the Irish Times that he will continue protesting the Queen's visit later this year. He said "I’ll just have to find another way that’s acceptable to An Garda Síochána."
He continued "This is nothing against English people. We’ve a lot of English people in the pub, we show English football, and we’re quite happy to do that…I do feel it’s not the right time for the queen to visit this country and I feel I have a democratic right to express that view. She still occupies part of our country and as long as she does I will always object to her presence in this country...”
Stokes said that he had agreed to take the banner down because losing his late licenses could endanger the livelihood of 12 of his staff members.]  emphasis added

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