Monday, July 30, 2012

Medical Bankruptcy: Trying to Fight Colon Cancer Without Insurance Coverage

Please forgive me for this pun, but blogger quoted below gives the straight poop on life with cancer without health insurance.

It ain't pretty.

Read this and then tell me the richest country in the world cannot afford health care for all like the rest of the industrialized world has.

[Fortunately, in part due to my young age and the extraordinary care I have received at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, I’ve been able to cope quite well so far despite the difficulties of treatment.Unfortunately, cancer treatment is quite expensive, and recently the ASU student insurance plan stopped covering my cost of care. The Aetna student health insurance plan provided by ASU caps the lifetime insurance benefit paid out at $300,000, which the high cost of treatment used up in less than one year.]

1 comment:

lenny said...

There are a lot of lending companies out there that you can borrow money from to help get treatment for your cancer. There are also insurances for those with existing medical condition. Try shopping around. Meanwhile, may God heal you from your sickness.