Thursday, May 7, 2009

Warm Milk and Morphine

Hospitalized briefly in March with minor infection that led to impossibly low blood pressure with a side dish of anemia.

Who knew? Thought feeling faint and listless just result of hangover.

Neighbors called 911 for me and hospitalized for five days.

Roommate for last 3 days: an elderly, insomniac gentleman with penchant for guttural curses and noises and tv viewing all night long, not a prescription for a good sleep.

Took a day for Dr. to authorize sleeping pill. For night without pill, nurse brought me warm milk before morphine shot.

If in Orlando and take sick, I highly recommend Orando Regional Medical Center or whatever they call it nowadays, great food--especially the soups--and staff.

I'd give Fl Hospital ER from previous visit a nod because they have large screen tv's. Food just a touch below ORMC but still really good.

Hope to blog more regularly

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