Thursday, July 23, 2009

FL Drugs Children in Foster Care

In the category of should feel surpised but ain't, FL adoptive parents told our Governor Great Tan about the pills taken by their kids.

[Mirko and Regina Ceska told Crist that when they adopted their two 12-year-old children last year, each was taking 11 pills daily, including the powerful antipsychotic drug Seroquel.

"These girls were overdosed and would fall asleep right in front of us several times a day," said Mirko Ceska.

"It seems to be a prerequisite for foster children to be on medication," he added.

The Crawfordville couple weaned the girls off their medication, and their behavior markedly improved, they said...

Shortly after the Ceskas spoke, Crist's head of the Department of Children and Families, George Sheldon, asked them to testify Friday in Tampa before a special panel that's investigating the April suicide of a Margate 7-year-old, Gabriel Myers.

Like the Ceskas' adopted children, Gabriel was prescribed a number of medications including a psychotropic drug. One of the drugs, the antidepressant Symbyax, isn't supposed to be prescribed to children and has been linked to suicidal behavior...

Of the 20,000 children in state care, about 3,100 — or 15.5 percent — are medicated, primarily with psychotropic drugs, Sheldon said. In the general population, he said, about 4 to 5 percent of children are on some form of medication.

A DCF study of the 268 6- and 7-year-olds medicated while in state care found that child-welfare doctors and case managers routinely failed to complete legally required treatment plans, share information or properly document the prescribing of powerful psychiatric drugs.]emphasis added

Medicating 6 and 7 year olds?

Sure you can control kids better when you dope them up, but it's wrong, Governor Great Tan, FREAKIN' wrong, you bastard.

Don't raise taxes. Let kids die. That's the Republiklan way.


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