While rumours have swirled for decades of Charlie Crist and his closeted sexuality, it never mattered to me what Governor Flip Flop did sexually and still doesn't even though some "Christians" go nuts at the possibility.
Like Senior Pastor Carl Gallups wrote on the Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Fl, who wrote: "[I]t is the RADICAL homosexual agenda that concerns me deeply and concerns me the most. The agenda that seeks to make homosexuality an "alternative" lifestyle, complete with child adoption, marriage rights, insurance and other legal protections and a "special" class of laws of "protection." Of course there is also the matter of "political correctness" and "sensitivity training," especially as it is administered through our government (public) school system. It concerns me deeply, when small children are indoctrinated into the belief that a godless, hedonistic and dangerous lifestyle is a viable "alternative."]
Unholy crap, where should a rational person start in analyzing the above quote (pun intended)?
Perhaps start with adoption by homosexuals in FL where a judge ruled "Based on the evidence presented from experts from all over this country and abroad, it is clear that sexual orientation is not a predictor of a person's ability to parent."
The state of FL presented testimony from a Dr. George Rekers which the judge deemed not credible,"Dr. Rekers' testimony was far from a neutral and un-biased recitation of the relevant scientific evidence. Dr. Rekers' beliefs are motivated by his strong ideo-logical and theological convictions that are not con-sistent with the science. Based on his testimony and demeanor at trial, the court can not consider his tes-timony to be credible nor worthy of forming the basis of public policy."
Seems the good doctor got hoisted on his own petard.
So it mattered not a whit to me of rumours on Crist's sexuality.
Did not matter but pic of Governor No Convictions ogling a female's buttocks sid make me laugh.
Maybe he's bi. He did always seem too well dressed to be completely straight, not that there is anything wrong with that.
One ought look at political policy to ponder upon politicians, not what they do in their private lives.
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