"They did it once/they can do it again."
The Orlando Sentinel reported optically scanned ballots used in elections by all Florida counties give a "paper trail to nowhere," because by law only under and over votes get recounted by hand.
[When legislators passed the new law, they made no provision for a full hand recount, rendering the paper trail of optical-scan systems virtually useless. The law requires that only ballots with too many or too few marks -- so-called overvotes and undervotes -- be reviewed by hand. The rest won't be checked.
"By law, humans can't look at that paper record," said Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho. "The system is sort of bass-ackwards..."
The state moved to optical-scan systems less than a year later -- but without any provision for a full hand recount of the paper ballots.
Instead, state law requires that any race decided by less than half a percentage point be subject to a machine recount. That means all the optical-scan ballots -- on which voters fill in a bubble or connect a broken arrow -- are run back through scanners to verify the totals.
If the margin then drops to one-quarter of a percent, a hand recount is ordered -- but only for ballots showing undervotes or overvotes.
The rest of the ballots can't be reviewed unless a candidate sues. And activists say that's a huge hole.]
Since the NY Times already identified at least 3 elections botched beyond belief or certainty as to identity of the individual who actually got the most votes, audit trails of paper ballots must become a priority in all states.
In the 2002 election for governor of Alabama, [Mr. Siegelman went to sleep on election night thinking he had won. But overnight, Republican Baldwin County reported that a glitch had given Mr. Siegelman, a Democrat, about 6,000 extra votes. When they were subtracted, Republican Rob Riley won by roughly 3,000 votes.
James Gundlach, a professor at Auburn University, crunched the numbers and concluded that Mr. Siegelman lost because of “electronic ballot stuffing,” possibly by an operative who accessed the computers and “edited” the results, though others dispute his analysis.
Baldwin County used paper ballots that were then read by an optical scan machine. Mr. Siegelman says local officials gave him permission to count the paper ballots by hand, but the attorney general threatened to arrest anyone who did. No count was done.
Lesson: Paper ballots alone are not enough. There must be strong audit laws that mandate comprehensive hand recounts when an election is close.]
emphasis added.
Have Satire-Will Travel: Florida politics development growth corporate corruption progressive politics guerrilla war cosmology and absolutely astrology free
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wall Street Journal: "Is John McCain Stupid?"
The title of this post quotes the headline of Journal article.
The first line reads, "Is John McCain losing it?"
Perhaps only the bastion of conservative journalism could run a column questioning McCain's faculties that goes further than most progressive bloggers. While apparent to anyone watching extended interviews with the senator or keeping track of his day to day statements, the So Called Liberal Media
fails to report McCain--at the very least--expresses himself poorly in phrasing and content.
With a link to the Journal article at the Tribune Washington bureau blog that notes, "McCain said things that were contradictory, that seemed illogical or not helpful to his party's chances," part of national media notes his rhetorical irrationality.
So far, the the online outlets of the Trib's national papers in LA and Chicago have failed to carry this story.
When a candidate for the highest office in the U$A jokes on CNN by singing, "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," it should give rise to serious competency questions as to judgement that should resound over the airwaves and in newspapers.
First, it ain't funny to joke 'bout killing thousands of human beings.
Next as a matter of diplomacy, threatening destruction to a country before beginning negotiations can lead leaders of that country to reject any talks and to take steps for self preservation--oh say like building nuclear weapons or conducting missile tests.
Plus as a matter of practicality on gas pricing, speculation in the oil market leads to higher prices based on possible war with Iran.
Even military leaders question McCain's temper:
[It is not difficult in Washington to find high-level military officials who have had close encounters with John McCain's temper, and who find it worrisome. Politicians sometimes scream for effect, but the concern is that McCain has, at times, come across as out of control. It is difficult to find current or former officers willing to describe those encounters in detail on the record. That's because, by and large, those officers admire McCain. But that doesn't mean they want his finger on the proverbial button, and they are supporting Clinton or Obama instead.
"I like McCain. I respect McCain. But I am a little worried by his knee-jerk response factor," said retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, who was in charge of training the Iraqi military from 2003 to 2004 and is now campaigning for Clinton. "I think it is a little scary. I think this guy's first reactions are not necessarily the best reactions. I believe that he acts on impulse."]
From the Journal article: [On Sunday, he said on national television that to solve Social Security "everything's on the table," which of course means raising payroll taxes. On July 7 in Denver he said: "Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won't."
This isn't a flip-flop. It's a sex-change operation...
What I'm asking is, does John McCain have the mental focus, the intellectual discipline, to avoid being out-slicked by Barack Obama, if he isn't abandoned by his own voters?...
...It's not just taxes. Recently the subject came up of Al Gore's assertion that the U.S. could get its energy solely from renewables in 10 years. Sen. McCain said: "If the vice president says it's doable, I believe it's doable." What!!?? In a later interview, Mr. McCain said he hadn't read "all the specifics" of the Gore plan and now, "I don't think it's doable without nuclear power." It just sounds loopy...
...Then this week in San Francisco, in an interview with the Chronicle, Sen. McCain called Nancy Pelosi an "inspiration to millions of Americans." Notwithstanding his promises to "work with the other side," this is a politically obtuse thing to say in the middle of a campaign. Would Bill Clinton, running for president in 1996 after losing control of the House, have called Newt Gingrich an "inspiration"? House Minority Leader John Boehner, facing a 10-to-20 seat loss in November, must be gagging...]
{video of McCain using same insane joke while campaigning; found at link at state 29)
The first line reads, "Is John McCain losing it?"
Perhaps only the bastion of conservative journalism could run a column questioning McCain's faculties that goes further than most progressive bloggers. While apparent to anyone watching extended interviews with the senator or keeping track of his day to day statements, the So Called Liberal Media
With a link to the Journal article at the Tribune Washington bureau blog that notes, "McCain said things that were contradictory, that seemed illogical or not helpful to his party's chances," part of national media notes his rhetorical irrationality.
So far, the the online outlets of the Trib's national papers in LA and Chicago have failed to carry this story.
When a candidate for the highest office in the U$A jokes on CNN by singing, "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," it should give rise to serious competency questions as to judgement that should resound over the airwaves and in newspapers.
First, it ain't funny to joke 'bout killing thousands of human beings.
Next as a matter of diplomacy, threatening destruction to a country before beginning negotiations can lead leaders of that country to reject any talks and to take steps for self preservation--oh say like building nuclear weapons or conducting missile tests.
Plus as a matter of practicality on gas pricing, speculation in the oil market leads to higher prices based on possible war with Iran.
Even military leaders question McCain's temper:
[It is not difficult in Washington to find high-level military officials who have had close encounters with John McCain's temper, and who find it worrisome. Politicians sometimes scream for effect, but the concern is that McCain has, at times, come across as out of control. It is difficult to find current or former officers willing to describe those encounters in detail on the record. That's because, by and large, those officers admire McCain. But that doesn't mean they want his finger on the proverbial button, and they are supporting Clinton or Obama instead.
"I like McCain. I respect McCain. But I am a little worried by his knee-jerk response factor," said retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, who was in charge of training the Iraqi military from 2003 to 2004 and is now campaigning for Clinton. "I think it is a little scary. I think this guy's first reactions are not necessarily the best reactions. I believe that he acts on impulse."]
From the Journal article: [On Sunday, he said on national television that to solve Social Security "everything's on the table," which of course means raising payroll taxes. On July 7 in Denver he said: "Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won't."
This isn't a flip-flop. It's a sex-change operation...
What I'm asking is, does John McCain have the mental focus, the intellectual discipline, to avoid being out-slicked by Barack Obama, if he isn't abandoned by his own voters?...
...It's not just taxes. Recently the subject came up of Al Gore's assertion that the U.S. could get its energy solely from renewables in 10 years. Sen. McCain said: "If the vice president says it's doable, I believe it's doable." What!!?? In a later interview, Mr. McCain said he hadn't read "all the specifics" of the Gore plan and now, "I don't think it's doable without nuclear power." It just sounds loopy...
...Then this week in San Francisco, in an interview with the Chronicle, Sen. McCain called Nancy Pelosi an "inspiration to millions of Americans." Notwithstanding his promises to "work with the other side," this is a politically obtuse thing to say in the middle of a campaign. Would Bill Clinton, running for president in 1996 after losing control of the House, have called Newt Gingrich an "inspiration"? House Minority Leader John Boehner, facing a 10-to-20 seat loss in November, must be gagging...]
{video of McCain using same insane joke while campaigning; found at link at state 29)
Monday, July 28, 2008
US Dept. of Justice Scandal: Breaking News
From the Swamp, Tribune Co Wahington bureau: Goodling and Sampson of the US Attorney General's office broke federal law.
Link to report: http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/plus/index.htm
Link to summary: http://blogs.trb.com/news/politics/blog/Goodling.doc
There's gambling at Rick's Cafe American?
Shocked! Shocked I tell you.
Sure, we progressives have known and blogged 'bout this, but maybe this will provide the tipping point for public perception of the Cheney aministration, a corrupt group of bastards as ever occupied office.
Quote from the summary: [During our investigation, we {investigators from Office of Professional Responsibility and Department of Justice Inspector General} reviewed thousands of documents, interviewed more than 85 individuals, examined relevant e-mails of numerous current and former Department employees, and searched the computer hard drives of several former Department employees. Goodling declined our request to be interviewed.
Based on our investigation, we concluded that Goodling violated federal law and Department policy, and committed misconduct, by improperly considering political or ideological affiliations in screening candidates for certain career positions at the Department.]
Link to report: http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/plus/index.htm
Link to summary: http://blogs.trb.com/news/politics/blog/Goodling.doc
There's gambling at Rick's Cafe American?
Sure, we progressives have known and blogged 'bout this, but maybe this will provide the tipping point for public perception of the Cheney aministration, a corrupt group of bastards as ever occupied office.
Quote from the summary: [During our investigation, we {investigators from Office of Professional Responsibility and Department of Justice Inspector General} reviewed thousands of documents, interviewed more than 85 individuals, examined relevant e-mails of numerous current and former Department employees, and searched the computer hard drives of several former Department employees. Goodling declined our request to be interviewed.
Based on our investigation, we concluded that Goodling violated federal law and Department policy, and committed misconduct, by improperly considering political or ideological affiliations in screening candidates for certain career positions at the Department.]
FL found funds for folks
Mildly amusing and maybe some have sums of $ with FL Bureau of Unclaimed Property. Several for empireofdirt77's but, alas, none at addresses where I've lived.
Let me know, please, if any find any $.
Scott Maxwell's Sentinel column on misssing money.
Let me know, please, if any find any $.
Scott Maxwell's Sentinel column on misssing money.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
FL: Better Robbbed Over Phone Than By Gunpoint
[The revelation that more than 10,000 convicted criminals have been welcomed with open arms into Florida's mortgage industry is shocking, even in light of the state's sleazy, anything-goes history.
At first blush, things look bad for the Office of Financial Regulation and its commissioner, Don Saxon, whose long nap was harshly interrupted by last week's headlines.
And although it's tempting to view this story as just another embarrassing validation of Florida's reputation as the most crooked and most screwed-up place in America, there might be an upside to the scandal...
But let's look at it another way -- not as horrendous bureaucratic incompetence, but rather as a daring, innovative way of diverting and retraining Florida's inexhaustible supply of felons...
Isn't it better to be robbed over the phone than at gunpoint?]
At first blush, things look bad for the Office of Financial Regulation and its commissioner, Don Saxon, whose long nap was harshly interrupted by last week's headlines.
And although it's tempting to view this story as just another embarrassing validation of Florida's reputation as the most crooked and most screwed-up place in America, there might be an upside to the scandal...
But let's look at it another way -- not as horrendous bureaucratic incompetence, but rather as a daring, innovative way of diverting and retraining Florida's inexhaustible supply of felons...
Isn't it better to be robbed over the phone than at gunpoint?]
Friday, July 18, 2008
Nelson Mandela's Birthday: "Rockers and Rappers United as One"
July 18, 2008 marked the 90th birthday of Nelson Mandela, icon of freedom in South Africa and for the whole world.
People have forgotten that Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison and that Pres. Raygunz said in debate against Mondale all opposition to state apartheid in South Africa stemmed from communist instigation.
27 years of imprisonment, the last 18 spent on Robben Island, where "[H]e and others performed hard labour in a lime quarry. Prison conditions were very basic. Prisoners were segregated by race, with black prisoners receiving the fewest rations. Political prisoners were kept separate from ordinary criminals and received fewer privileges. Mandela describes how, as a D-group prisoner (the lowest classification) he was allowed one visitor and one letter every six months...."
His release came after years of protests and economic boycotts against the racist regime notable among them Artist United against Apartheid, a gathering of diverse musicians organized by Little Steven Van Zandt
with rockers and rappers recording a protest song and vowing not to play in the S. African resort, Sun City.
The mtv pop-up video below Amazon link gives a good overview of issues involved.
The ska band the Specials recorded a song, "Free Nelson Mandela." Six years later, Mandela received his freedom, released from prison, "Great God almighty free at last."
Economic sanctions from governments around the world helped move S Africa to democracy and freedom for Mandela.
Many measures came after citizens lobbied their local governments and public institutions to divest investments with companies that did business with or in S Africa.
Despite opposition of the Raygunz administration, ordinary citizens helped move S Africa to freedom.
People power works: Satyagraha in S Africa, ending the reign of Ferdinand Marcos in the Phillipines, bringing down the Berlin wall
Maybe the Springsteen concert coincidentally on July 18, 1988 in East Berlin even helped mobilize people for change.
Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Obama can mobilize people to change the corrupt Washington, DC, political culture.
People have forgotten that Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison and that Pres. Raygunz said in debate against Mondale all opposition to state apartheid in South Africa stemmed from communist instigation.
27 years of imprisonment, the last 18 spent on Robben Island, where "[H]e and others performed hard labour in a lime quarry. Prison conditions were very basic. Prisoners were segregated by race, with black prisoners receiving the fewest rations. Political prisoners were kept separate from ordinary criminals and received fewer privileges. Mandela describes how, as a D-group prisoner (the lowest classification) he was allowed one visitor and one letter every six months...."
His release came after years of protests and economic boycotts against the racist regime notable among them Artist United against Apartheid, a gathering of diverse musicians organized by Little Steven Van Zandt
The mtv pop-up video below Amazon link gives a good overview of issues involved.
The ska band the Specials recorded a song, "Free Nelson Mandela." Six years later, Mandela received his freedom, released from prison, "Great God almighty free at last."
Economic sanctions from governments around the world helped move S Africa to democracy and freedom for Mandela.
Many measures came after citizens lobbied their local governments and public institutions to divest investments with companies that did business with or in S Africa.
Despite opposition of the Raygunz administration, ordinary citizens helped move S Africa to freedom.
People power works: Satyagraha in S Africa, ending the reign of Ferdinand Marcos in the Phillipines, bringing down the Berlin wall
Maybe the Springsteen concert coincidentally on July 18, 1988 in East Berlin even helped mobilize people for change.
Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Obama can mobilize people to change the corrupt Washington, DC, political culture.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
S & M Barbie?/Black Canary and Gator cheerleader Barbies
Finally Fox News runs a story worth reading on how some got their panties in a bunch when Mattel came out with a new Barbie based on a DC comic book character, The Black Canary
"The doll’s image is transformed with kinky fishnets, motorcycle jacket, black gloves and boots."
Of course, Fox lifted story in toto from the British Sun tabloid, minus the cute headline, "S&M Barbie Lashed By Public."
Oh those lovely Brits, always upholding standards of the Royal Navy: Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash
Why do they deem fishnets "kinky?" Trashy maybe but "kinky" bespeaks prude by day and prurient by night.
But calling poor, sexless, impossibly dimensioned Barbie tarty goes too far.
Calling the Mattel toy out for teaching a generation of girls impossible body type standards to live up to does however seem appropriate.
[One of the most common criticisms of Barbie is that she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman, leading to a risk that women who attempt to emulate her will become anorexic...Barbie's vital statistics have been estimated at 36 inches (chest), 18 inches (waist) and 33 inches (hips). According to research by the University Central Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, she would lack the 17 to 22 percent body fat required for a woman to menstruate.[13] In 1965 Slumber Party Barbie came with a book entitled How to Lose Weight which advised: "Don't eat." The doll also came with pink bathroom scales reading 110lb, which would be around 35lbs underweight for a woman 5 feet 9 inches tall.]
So leave Barbie ALONE because, besides body issues, Bride Barbie teaches traditional family values, unless of course ceremony held at a dykes on bikes rally.
The haters ignore a graduating Barbie which extols educational success.
Don't the haters realize Heart Association Barbie teaches the value of charity work and wearing red gowns for formal affairs?
Would a tart market a Barbie laptop learning center?
Would the Christian Voice kooks call my University of Florida chearleader Barbie a tart when she teaches little girls to love the Gators and the importance of college football at educational institutions? They can pry my UF cheerleader Barbie out of my cold dead hands after taking the other hand off my gun!
Damn youse, Christian Voice! Damn youse!
"The doll’s image is transformed with kinky fishnets, motorcycle jacket, black gloves and boots."
Of course, Fox lifted story in toto from the British Sun tabloid, minus the cute headline, "S&M Barbie Lashed By Public."
Oh those lovely Brits, always upholding standards of the Royal Navy: Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash
Why do they deem fishnets "kinky?" Trashy maybe but "kinky" bespeaks prude by day and prurient by night.
But calling poor, sexless, impossibly dimensioned Barbie tarty goes too far.
Calling the Mattel toy out for teaching a generation of girls impossible body type standards to live up to does however seem appropriate.
[One of the most common criticisms of Barbie is that she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman, leading to a risk that women who attempt to emulate her will become anorexic...Barbie's vital statistics have been estimated at 36 inches (chest), 18 inches (waist) and 33 inches (hips). According to research by the University Central Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, she would lack the 17 to 22 percent body fat required for a woman to menstruate.[13] In 1965 Slumber Party Barbie came with a book entitled How to Lose Weight which advised: "Don't eat." The doll also came with pink bathroom scales reading 110lb, which would be around 35lbs underweight for a woman 5 feet 9 inches tall.]
So leave Barbie ALONE because, besides body issues, Bride Barbie teaches traditional family values, unless of course ceremony held at a dykes on bikes rally.
The haters ignore a graduating Barbie which extols educational success.
Don't the haters realize Heart Association Barbie teaches the value of charity work and wearing red gowns for formal affairs?
Would a tart market a Barbie laptop learning center?
Would the Christian Voice kooks call my University of Florida chearleader Barbie a tart when she teaches little girls to love the Gators and the importance of college football at educational institutions? They can pry my UF cheerleader Barbie out of my cold dead hands after taking the other hand off my gun!
Damn youse, Christian Voice! Damn youse!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Oppose War With Iran: Sojourners-Take Action Campaign
[America, Iran, and Israel have been playing war games this summer: Showing off warships in the Persian Gulf, launching missiles, and testing aerial maneuvers – it is like watching a bad game of one-upmanship.
But it’s not a game. Once again, the talk of military action against Iran has reached a fever pitch, with demonstrations of force on all sides. But this saber-rattling is a dead-end street for the United States and the Middle East.
Tell the United States, Israel and Iran to pursue diplomatic solutions, not military action, in the Middle East.
Another American-led or supported military attack in the Middle East would likely prove disastrous. While we support the elimination of all nuclear weapons, both existing and planned, Iran must be dealt with through diplomatic negotiations with real pressures and effective incentives – similar to negotiations with North Korea – rather than by threats of military attack.]
But it’s not a game. Once again, the talk of military action against Iran has reached a fever pitch, with demonstrations of force on all sides. But this saber-rattling is a dead-end street for the United States and the Middle East.
Tell the United States, Israel and Iran to pursue diplomatic solutions, not military action, in the Middle East.
Another American-led or supported military attack in the Middle East would likely prove disastrous. While we support the elimination of all nuclear weapons, both existing and planned, Iran must be dealt with through diplomatic negotiations with real pressures and effective incentives – similar to negotiations with North Korea – rather than by threats of military attack.]
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Burned over 82% of his body; casualties of war include wounded
[Posted on Sat, Jul. 12, 2008
A soldier's tale: Wounded in Iraq, struggling for a life
Nicholas Spangler | Miami Herald
last updated: July 13, 2008 12:29:06 AM
In the Bradley turret, {Staff Seargent Victor} Dominguez picked up the hand-mic. ''All right,'' he started to say. ``Let's turn around and go home.''
Ooomph! was all he heard.
The weight of the Bradley pressed the explosive device's trigger wires together, completing the detonation circuit. The mines and the artillery rounds blasted straight up into the vehicle's underbelly.
The 25-ton Bradley rocked. Its fuel tank exploded, and a 20-foot fireball shot up into the black Iraqi sky.
Dominguez thought he saw the fire coming up through the Bradley's floor between him and Turner. Then for a while he saw nothing. He and Turner had been blasted out onto the road, coated in burning diesel fuel...
Swaths of his {Dominguez} skin dried, then ignited, layer by layer, down to the subcutaneous fat. Parts of his left foot burned down to the bone.
His Kevlar body armor was melting to his chest. His boots were melting to his feet. His fatigues were burned off. He reached for the pistol he kept in a shoulder holster, but his hand was too badly burned to grab it.
He didn't stop burning until his men covered him with a fire blanket...]
Goddamn George W. Bush, goddamn President Cheney, goddamn all the neo-con supporters of the war and their press poodles.
How dare W make a joke of no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as American troops--mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons--died in his splendid little war? Messianic little shit.
[March 26, 2004
Family of Slain Soldier Calls Bush WMD Jokes “Disgraceful”
At a media dinner Wednesday, President Bush joked about how no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, eliciting laughter from many of the journalists in attendance...
{T}here was a shot of Bush looking under furniture in the Oval Office. Bush said “Nope. No weapons over there.” Then another picture of Bush searching in his office. He said “Maybe under here.”
According to the Nation’s David Corn many of the journalists at the dinner laughed throughout the skit.
But the Daily News is reporting that the families of soldiers killed in Iraq are not laughing.
George Medina who lost his son in Iraq said, “This is disgraceful. He doesn’t think of all the families that are suffering. It’s unbelievable, how this guy runs the country.”
Medina’s son, {Specialist} Irving Medina died at the age of 22 in Baghdad on November 14.] emphasis and link added. 69 words in 3 paragraphs of a US Dept off Defense casualty report, 69 wors to sum up the life of a young man.
Pro-war politicians and pundits punishment? Read forever every word of every casualty notice, every obituary, every hometown newspaper story on fallen and injured heroes, to cry a tear for every tear a family member shed.
A soldier's tale: Wounded in Iraq, struggling for a life
Nicholas Spangler | Miami Herald
last updated: July 13, 2008 12:29:06 AM
In the Bradley turret, {Staff Seargent Victor} Dominguez picked up the hand-mic. ''All right,'' he started to say. ``Let's turn around and go home.''
Ooomph! was all he heard.
The weight of the Bradley pressed the explosive device's trigger wires together, completing the detonation circuit. The mines and the artillery rounds blasted straight up into the vehicle's underbelly.
The 25-ton Bradley rocked. Its fuel tank exploded, and a 20-foot fireball shot up into the black Iraqi sky.
Dominguez thought he saw the fire coming up through the Bradley's floor between him and Turner. Then for a while he saw nothing. He and Turner had been blasted out onto the road, coated in burning diesel fuel...
Swaths of his {Dominguez} skin dried, then ignited, layer by layer, down to the subcutaneous fat. Parts of his left foot burned down to the bone.
His Kevlar body armor was melting to his chest. His boots were melting to his feet. His fatigues were burned off. He reached for the pistol he kept in a shoulder holster, but his hand was too badly burned to grab it.
He didn't stop burning until his men covered him with a fire blanket...]
Goddamn George W. Bush, goddamn President Cheney, goddamn all the neo-con supporters of the war and their press poodles.
How dare W make a joke of no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as American troops--mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons--died in his splendid little war? Messianic little shit.
[March 26, 2004
Family of Slain Soldier Calls Bush WMD Jokes “Disgraceful”
At a media dinner Wednesday, President Bush joked about how no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, eliciting laughter from many of the journalists in attendance...
{T}here was a shot of Bush looking under furniture in the Oval Office. Bush said “Nope. No weapons over there.” Then another picture of Bush searching in his office. He said “Maybe under here.”
According to the Nation’s David Corn many of the journalists at the dinner laughed throughout the skit.
But the Daily News is reporting that the families of soldiers killed in Iraq are not laughing.
George Medina who lost his son in Iraq said, “This is disgraceful. He doesn’t think of all the families that are suffering. It’s unbelievable, how this guy runs the country.”
Medina’s son, {Specialist} Irving Medina died at the age of 22 in Baghdad on November 14.] emphasis and link added. 69 words in 3 paragraphs of a US Dept off Defense casualty report, 69 wors to sum up the life of a young man.
Pro-war politicians and pundits punishment? Read forever every word of every casualty notice, every obituary, every hometown newspaper story on fallen and injured heroes, to cry a tear for every tear a family member shed.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Orlando: Black babies born next to boiler room
[Jeff Kunerth | Sentinel Staff Writer
July 11, 2008
Dr. Alfred L. Bookhardt began his career as a physician in the 1960s, when blacks were barred from practicing at Orlando hospitals or joining the American Medical Association.
A belated apology for past discrimination by the American Medical Association is a small consolation for 79-year-old Alfred L. Bookhardt, a black physician who arrived in Orlando in the days of segregation.
"He feels it's necessary for an apology, but it's way too late for him. Being denied membership affected his lifestyle, his livelihood, his status and the opportunity to grow," said his wife, Ola Bookhardt.
The association Thursday apologized on its Web site for "its past history of racial inequality toward African-American physicians, and shares its current efforts to increase the ranks of minority physicians and their participation in the AMA..."
...At the same time the AMA was denying Bookhardt membership, Orlando hospitals were barring black doctors from joining their staffs and separating black patients from whites. At Orange Memorial Hospital -- now Orlando Regional Medical Center -- the black ward was in the basement next to the boiler room, and women having babies were placed next to men with tuberculosis.
"They went to Orange Memorial, where they were relegated to the basement with boiler pipes to deliver their children," said Geraldine Thompson, director of the Wells'Built Museum of African American History. "Many children were delivered in the elevator."]
July 11, 2008
Dr. Alfred L. Bookhardt began his career as a physician in the 1960s, when blacks were barred from practicing at Orlando hospitals or joining the American Medical Association.
A belated apology for past discrimination by the American Medical Association is a small consolation for 79-year-old Alfred L. Bookhardt, a black physician who arrived in Orlando in the days of segregation.
"He feels it's necessary for an apology, but it's way too late for him. Being denied membership affected his lifestyle, his livelihood, his status and the opportunity to grow," said his wife, Ola Bookhardt.
The association Thursday apologized on its Web site for "its past history of racial inequality toward African-American physicians, and shares its current efforts to increase the ranks of minority physicians and their participation in the AMA..."
...At the same time the AMA was denying Bookhardt membership, Orlando hospitals were barring black doctors from joining their staffs and separating black patients from whites. At Orange Memorial Hospital -- now Orlando Regional Medical Center -- the black ward was in the basement next to the boiler room, and women having babies were placed next to men with tuberculosis.
"They went to Orange Memorial, where they were relegated to the basement with boiler pipes to deliver their children," said Geraldine Thompson, director of the Wells'Built Museum of African American History. "Many children were delivered in the elevator."]
Ban anything offensive, even historic pictures
"I still feel that if anyone finds it offensive, it should not be displayed," the Orlando Sentinel quoted city commissioner Daisy Lynum as saying in reference to a photo of a barefoot black caddie holding the golf bag for a white golfer, a picture displayed in restaurant of renovated city owned golf course, Dubsdread.
A later report had this quote. "They say it (photograph) is a part of history," Lynum said, "but so is lynching and killing. Do we keep those pictures on display?"
Yes, Ms. Lynum, places like the Black Holocaust Museum have as an exhibit on Strange Fruit - Lynching in America so the terrible history of racism shall instruct us on how to treat our fellow humans.
Yes, blacks could not then legally golf on the course, but hopefully picture shows a black man making some coin caddying. It also shows dependency of upper class white culture on black workes: waiters and washers, caddies and domestic employees.
A later report had this quote. "They say it (photograph) is a part of history," Lynum said, "but so is lynching and killing. Do we keep those pictures on display?"
Yes, Ms. Lynum, places like the Black Holocaust Museum have as an exhibit on Strange Fruit - Lynching in America so the terrible history of racism shall instruct us on how to treat our fellow humans.
Yes, blacks could not then legally golf on the course, but hopefully picture shows a black man making some coin caddying. It also shows dependency of upper class white culture on black workes: waiters and washers, caddies and domestic employees.
Snake Handling: "You can purchase anything off the Internet except common sense,"
[11:11 PM CDT, July 11, 2008
FRANKFORT, Ky. - The pastor of a Kentucky church that handles snakes in religious rites was among 10 people arrested by wildlife officers in a crackdown on the venomous snake trade.
More than 100 snakes, many of them deadly, were confiscated in the undercover sting ...
Most were taken from the Middlesboro home of Gregory James Coots, including 42 copperheads, 11 timber rattlesnakes, three cottonmouth water moccasins, a western diamondback rattlesnake, two cobras and a puff adder.
Handling snakes is practiced in a handful of fundamentalist churches across Appalachia, based on the interpretation of Bible verses saying true believers can take up serpents without being harmed. The practice is illegal in most states, including Kentucky.
Coots, 36, is pastor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Middlesboro, where a Tennessee woman died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service in 1995. Her husband died three years later when he was bitten by a snake in northeastern Alabama.
Coots was charged Thursday with buying, selling and possessing illegal reptiles...
"You can purchase anything off the Internet except common sense," [Jim, director of Kentucky Reptile Zoo] Harrison said. "A venomous snake isn't a pet. You don't play with it. If you do, you're an idiot."]
(emphasis added 'cause guy had 42 copperhead snakes for St. Pat's sake.)
FRANKFORT, Ky. - The pastor of a Kentucky church that handles snakes in religious rites was among 10 people arrested by wildlife officers in a crackdown on the venomous snake trade.
More than 100 snakes, many of them deadly, were confiscated in the undercover sting ...
Most were taken from the Middlesboro home of Gregory James Coots, including 42 copperheads, 11 timber rattlesnakes, three cottonmouth water moccasins, a western diamondback rattlesnake, two cobras and a puff adder.
Handling snakes is practiced in a handful of fundamentalist churches across Appalachia, based on the interpretation of Bible verses saying true believers can take up serpents without being harmed. The practice is illegal in most states, including Kentucky.
Coots, 36, is pastor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Middlesboro, where a Tennessee woman died after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a service in 1995. Her husband died three years later when he was bitten by a snake in northeastern Alabama.
Coots was charged Thursday with buying, selling and possessing illegal reptiles...
"You can purchase anything off the Internet except common sense," [Jim, director of Kentucky Reptile Zoo] Harrison said. "A venomous snake isn't a pet. You don't play with it. If you do, you're an idiot."]
(emphasis added 'cause guy had 42 copperhead snakes for St. Pat's sake.)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Internet Service Providers Censoring Political Speech
[... Rant all you want in a public park. A police officer generally won't eject you for your remarks alone, however unpopular or provocative.
Say it on the Internet, and you'll find that free speech and other constitutional rights are anything but guaranteed...
To wit: Verizon Wireless barred an abortion-rights group from obtaining a "short code" for conducting text-messaging campaigns, while LiveJournal suspended legitimate blogs on fiction and crime victims in a crackdown on pedophilia. Two lines criticizing President Bush disappeared from AT&T Inc.'s webcast of a Pearl Jam concert. All three decisions were reversed only after senior executives intervened amid complaints...
"As we move more of our communications into social networks, how are we limiting ourselves if we can't see alternative points of view, if we can't see the things that offend us?" asked Fred Stutzman, a University of North Carolina researcher who tracks online communities...] emphasis added
Say it on the Internet, and you'll find that free speech and other constitutional rights are anything but guaranteed...
To wit: Verizon Wireless barred an abortion-rights group from obtaining a "short code" for conducting text-messaging campaigns, while LiveJournal suspended legitimate blogs on fiction and crime victims in a crackdown on pedophilia. Two lines criticizing President Bush disappeared from AT&T Inc.'s webcast of a Pearl Jam concert. All three decisions were reversed only after senior executives intervened amid complaints...
"As we move more of our communications into social networks, how are we limiting ourselves if we can't see alternative points of view, if we can't see the things that offend us?" asked Fred Stutzman, a University of North Carolina researcher who tracks online communities...] emphasis added
Saturday, July 5, 2008
In defense of Max Hardcore: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press"
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wesley Clark: slacker only went to Airborne school for summer vacation
"...[General Wesley Clark US Army Ret.] ultimately graduated as valedictorian of West Point...Clark eventually applied for a Rhodes Scholarship and learned in December of his senior year at West Point that he had been accepted. He spent his summer at the United States Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia. Clark worked in the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) program during his Rhodes Scholarship, completing his degree at Magdalen College at the University of Oxford in August 1968..."
"...Clark was then given command of A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry of the 1st Infantry Division in January 1970. In February, only one month into his command, he was shot four times by a Viet Cong soldier with an AK-47. The wounded Clark shouted orders to his men, who counterattacked and defeated the Viet Cong force. Clark had injuries to his right shoulder, right hand, right hip, and right leg, and was sent to Valley Forge Army Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania to recuperate. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the encounter."
"...Clark was then given command of A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry of the 1st Infantry Division in January 1970. In February, only one month into his command, he was shot four times by a Viet Cong soldier with an AK-47. The wounded Clark shouted orders to his men, who counterattacked and defeated the Viet Cong force. Clark had injuries to his right shoulder, right hand, right hip, and right leg, and was sent to Valley Forge Army Hospital in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania to recuperate. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the encounter."
FL don't need no stinkin' Starbucks
Starbuck's? What's a Starbuck's? People living in FL should find a family or cuban cafe with cafe con leche and decent espresso. Starbucks: double frappacino, soy milk, extra nutmeg crap.
[Starbucks Corp., dragged down by a slowing U.S. economy, is pulling the plug on 600 of its underperforming U.S. coffee shops and trimming the number of stores it had planned to open over the coming year.
The shutdowns are far more than the coffee-shop chain had originally planned. In January, Starbucks said it planned to close 100 U.S. stores as part of the transformation plan set in motion by Howard Schultz shortly after he returned as CEO.
It was unclear Tuesday whether any of the affected stores would be in Central Florida.]
[Starbucks Corp., dragged down by a slowing U.S. economy, is pulling the plug on 600 of its underperforming U.S. coffee shops and trimming the number of stores it had planned to open over the coming year.
The shutdowns are far more than the coffee-shop chain had originally planned. In January, Starbucks said it planned to close 100 U.S. stores as part of the transformation plan set in motion by Howard Schultz shortly after he returned as CEO.
It was unclear Tuesday whether any of the affected stores would be in Central Florida.]
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