Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oppose War With Iran: Sojourners-Take Action Campaign

[America, Iran, and Israel have been playing war games this summer: Showing off warships in the Persian Gulf, launching missiles, and testing aerial maneuvers – it is like watching a bad game of one-upmanship.

But it’s not a game. Once again, the talk of military action against Iran has reached a fever pitch, with demonstrations of force on all sides. But this saber-rattling is a dead-end street for the United States and the Middle East.

Tell the United States, Israel and Iran to pursue diplomatic solutions, not military action, in the Middle East.

Another American-led or supported military attack in the Middle East would likely prove disastrous. While we support the elimination of all nuclear weapons, both existing and planned, Iran must be dealt with through diplomatic negotiations with real pressures and effective incentives – similar to negotiations with North Korea – rather than by threats of military attack.]

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