"The doll’s image is transformed with kinky fishnets, motorcycle jacket, black gloves and boots."
Of course, Fox lifted story in toto from the British Sun tabloid, minus the cute headline, "S&M Barbie Lashed By Public."
Oh those lovely Brits, always upholding standards of the Royal Navy: Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash
Why do they deem fishnets "kinky?" Trashy maybe but "kinky" bespeaks prude by day and prurient by night.
But calling poor, sexless, impossibly dimensioned Barbie tarty goes too far.
Calling the Mattel toy out for teaching a generation of girls impossible body type standards to live up to does however seem appropriate.
[One of the most common criticisms of Barbie is that she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman, leading to a risk that women who attempt to emulate her will become anorexic...Barbie's vital statistics have been estimated at 36 inches (chest), 18 inches (waist) and 33 inches (hips). According to research by the University Central Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, she would lack the 17 to 22 percent body fat required for a woman to menstruate.[13] In 1965 Slumber Party Barbie came with a book entitled How to Lose Weight which advised: "Don't eat." The doll also came with pink bathroom scales reading 110lb, which would be around 35lbs underweight for a woman 5 feet 9 inches tall.]
So leave Barbie ALONE because, besides body issues, Bride Barbie teaches traditional family values, unless of course ceremony held at a dykes on bikes rally.
The haters ignore a graduating Barbie which extols educational success.
Don't the haters realize Heart Association Barbie teaches the value of charity work and wearing red gowns for formal affairs?
Would a tart market a Barbie laptop learning center?
Would the Christian Voice kooks call my University of Florida chearleader Barbie a tart when she teaches little girls to love the Gators and the importance of college football at educational institutions? They can pry my UF cheerleader Barbie out of my cold dead hands after taking the other hand off my gun!
Damn youse, Christian Voice! Damn youse!
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