Monday, December 17, 2012

My New Game: Which do you find more reprehensibe?

That Westboro "Baptist" "Church," alleged humans but certainly bottom feeding scum, planning to picket and spread their hate or that hacker uber group Anonymous plans to "destroy" the cult of Fred Phelps.

So much for turning the other cheek.  IMHO, idiots like the Westboroians much better met with ridicule and sarcasm as they deserve, perhaps with a side of counter protest with humour like at Comic Con or reserved silence at military funerals.

Meet these fools with disdain; turn your backs to them with your wall of silence honoring our military.

These West bat crap crazy people deserve not a minute of our time nor notice of their hatred, deserving perhaps only our pity.

So while my instincts generally lie with Anonymous, perhaps the hyperbolic use of the word "destroy" along with publishing names and addresses of cult members might lead to violence against them, thus creating the specter of creating a martyr for their cause of hate.

Perhaps whoever published this screed anonymously fails to realize the beauty of our First Amendment right to free expression guaranteed by the United States Constitution.  Those darn rights of free exercise of religion and speech protect Phelps' fanatics also.

So laugh at them or ignore them as fit, but please don't over hype a counter protest by threatening to destroy.

[The ever-hateful Westboro Baptist Church has not failed to deliver in the wake of the Newtown school massacre. The Church, notorious for picketing the funerals of fallen troops with “God Hates Fags” placards, announced Saturday that they would picket Sandy Hook elementary school, where 20 children and six adults were shot dead Friday. Tweets from the Phelps family suggest they believe the horrors in Connecticut are a punishment from God for gay marriage.

Hacker collective Anonymous was swift to respond, releasing private information of Westboro members including email addresses, phone numbers and home addresses. This video, decrying the church for spreading “seeds of hatred” was also released. It warns, “We will destroy you. We are coming.”]


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