Saturday, February 8, 2014

"The Hotties of the 1890's'

Now y'all, one of my favorite blogs comes from the mind and pen of Betty Fokker, a self-described Stay at Home Feminist Mom.  Between her and at Juanita Jean's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon in the World, I could steal--oops, get ideas for--posts all day long but both inform and entertain me, both with side splitting laughter at times, the former with more vitriol and creative name calling and latter with a focus on TX politics--a microcosm of how the vermin and buzzards of the Republidiots and duped Tea Party fools conspire to destroy their once great state and my beautiful Constitutional union--and they both stay on my daily read list.

Betty's topic today comes from pictures of Burlesque dancers of the 1890's and how culture sets a standard for female beauty and then women internalize and act upon it.  This would have no interest for me as male for my life only entails finding clean shirt and pants to wear; screw beauty.  Nevertheless with 2 nieces in college, I worry and pray they may set their own standards and become happy in themselves.

Perusing the pictures of last century Burlesque dancers with the scholar's eye, it becomes quite evident the standard of that time leans towards the more Rubenesque, full figured gals.  Have no doubt the culture would have conditioned me into favoring that, men historically exist easier to please than finding water in the ocean. Nevertheless, people fail to realize to what extent they allow the outside world to condition their inner thoughts and dreams.

Like and ancient Greek reputedly dude said, the unexamined life ain't worth living.  Left unsaid, however, the whether the examined life worth living instead.

But I digress.

The pictures also feature fully clothed women.  Nevertheless, ladies in form fitting tights would prove quite shocking in the corseted and bustled world of that day.  Man, look at them hips!  It occurs to me just how much the standard of feminine beauty has changed.

Paradoxically, in a world of less bounty and available food the standard favored well fed women; the beauties of today, super models who celebrate by sharing a stalk of celery, would have looked gaunt and starved back in the day.  Baby, let me feed you a pot roast.

So without further ado, read Betty's piece and let it make you think.  And since pictures speak louder than words....

Yo, 'nuff said, hmm?

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