Friday, October 5, 2012

Hey, Romney, Leave Big Bird Alone!

Sign the petition to support truth, justice, the American Way, and Big Bird:

[...Republicans think PBS, and shows like Sesame Street specifically, are indoctrinating American children in liberalism.


That’s why Mitt Romney has joined the Big Bird- bashing brigade. Not for the budget. For the far-right of the party. It’s the same reason Romney has shown a recent interest in Lyme disease. These positions seem obscure until you dig a little deeper and realize that Mitt Romney is actually, once again, playing to the fringes that have taken over the Republican party.

Fortunately, the head of PBS, Paula Kerger, is having none of it. She went on CNN and blasted Romney.

“With the enormous problems facing our country, the fact that we are the focus is just unbelievable to me,” she said. Later, she called it a “stunning moment.”]

[The debate itself was clearly the best 90 minutes the Romney folks have had for a very long time.

Yet and yet and yet…Big Bird!

The line had all the sound of a prepared zinger, which, if true, means that someone with access to RomneyBot source code actually thought it was a good idea to personalize their device by cutting the throat of a fictional character beloved by millions. And if it wasn’t rehearsed, that’s in some ways worse. It means Romney revealed just a bit of himself, that gay-bashing bully-mean guy character Ann keeps assuring us doesn’t exist. If offing Big Bird just burbled out of his head and mouth on the spot? Not a pretty window into the notional soul of a man who would be president.

Either way, of course, I’m grateful. Way to douse the glow of your big night, big fella.] emphasis added 

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