Sunday, October 7, 2012

Paid Medicare and Social Security Taxes Since Age 15

Started work as a busboy 39 years ago and paid Social Security and Medicare taxes for every paycheck made since.  

Now on disability for second time in my life after 25 years of work sandwiched in between stints, Paul Ryan calls me a moocher.

Hey, Paul, instead of my taxes going into a lockbox to secure future Social Security benefits, your party spent the money on tax breaks for rich, 2 expensive foreign wars--the 1 in Afghanistan now the longest ever involvement of the United States--and spent ungodly sums on a bloated defense budget and tax breaks for wealthy corporations like Exxon.

Y'all robbed me and now call me a moocher.

Well, go do something anatomically impossible to yourself, asshat!

[Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan sincerely believe that people who pay into social insurance for their entire lives and expect to receive the benefit of that compact when eligible are "takers." I wonder if he includes all the zillionaires out there who receive Social Security benefits as "takers," since there is no distinction between those who pay in as rich people and those who pay in as middle class or poor people, after all. Are they takers?]

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