Thursday, October 4, 2012

Media Memes, Lying Liars, and Hucksters Who Profit

Definition of "meme" points out these ideas get reinforced by repetition, so news outlets come up with a talking point, repeat it endlessly, and then use election results--even one where the only votes that counted came from five United States Supreme court justices--to justify creating these "meme" things and using them to sell commercials and ad space.

One meme which frankly still perplexes me remains which candidate would people rather have a beer with.

What the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Sure, I'd even have a beer with ex figurehead president Jr. Bush--but not the leprous souled ex president Cheney, not even if Dick bought the rounds and tequila shooters--but when it comes to leading the "free" world and trying to protect America from all enemies, foreign and domestic. we ought to ask whom we would not play poker with.because the bastard will bluff, smile, stab, and calculate odds to .01% to make sure he leaves the table a winner.

So when President Obama went to the White House Correspondents Dinner and calmly told jokes, betraying no hint of tension over a possibly career ending decision to get bin Laden, he had to have some sort of qualms, like just bet the rent and food money and Michelle will kill me if I lose yet he showed not so much as a drop of sweat.

So too his laid back debate performance comes as both his calm nature and by plan because the media meme had to have the Mittbot "winning"  to keep the horse race interesting so they could keep selling product.

Also with Willard's penchant for lying--or call it absolute inability to see much less say any truth inconvenient to his winning more power--Mr. Obama could lay back and let the fact checkers do his work for him, a rhetorical rope a dope if you will, staying presidential and respectful while allowing Mittens to hoist himself on his own petard.

So, Mr. President, come on down to the Fillin' Station, and I'll buy you a beer.

But damn sure ain't playing poker with you.

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