Thursday, October 7, 2010

Barry Obama; My BFF Too


Barack Obama

 to me
show details 11:46 AM (2 hours ago)
Dan --

I come into this election with clear eyes.

I am proud of all we have achieved together, but I am mindful of all that remains to be done.

I know some out there are frustrated by the pace of our progress. I want you to know I'm frustrated, too.

But with so much riding on the outcome of this election, I need everyone to get in this game.

Neither one of us is here because we thought it would be easy. Making change is hard. It's what we've said from the beginning. And we've got the lumps to show for it.]  emphasis added

Funny how all my BFF's found $5 a good amount for me to give, my pauper's mite as it were.

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