Sunday, July 15, 2012

OMG!: Cheerios are So Gay!

Oh great goddess of irony, bless you for your handmaiden--er, handboy, handjob?--Kirk Cameron.

Having drunk from the well of fundamentalism and assuming he knows best because Kirk knows Him--you know, the angry white bearded dude that told the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites--and speaks with Him on a daily basis.

As you can imagine, Kirk says HE says a lot about marriage, one man with one woman except for the ancient Israelites and Mormons of course.

Unsurprisingly, Kirk ignores lots about marriage the real Bible does say.

Fruit Loops or Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. you decide.

[Today in things you hadn’t heard about for a few months, we bring you a double-header: Kirk Cameron and the National Organization for Marriage. He’s the evolution-denying former star of “Growing Pains” – and that weird movie about the rapture! They’re the folks who “applaud” Mitt Romney for his “traditional marriage stance — a nice gesture for an organization Romney’s financially supported – and a group whose quest to protect America from homosexuals and their insidious agenda to turn our oatmeal supergay includes blatant race baiting!...

Cameron goes on to explain that his bestie God “speaks with authority on every subject including marriage, and his advice trumps Oprah’s every time.” Hm. Like the part where he says it’s cool to marry your half sister? Or have sex with your daughters? Or marry off your slave girl to your son? Or have lots and lots of wives? Or the part where, if your lady cheats on you, she should be stoned to death? And if you rape a woman, you ought to do her family a solid by paying them off and marrying the girl? Kirk, I like God and all, but that is the WORST marriage handbook I have ever read. So here’s a suggestion, “traditional” marriage defenders: Stop waving around the Bible as a defense for your selective bigotry. Because pssst, we can read it too.

Cameron has the right to believe any dumbass thing he wants about marriage and how the gays are “ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.” But when he goes around actively trying to get in the way of other people creating exactly the kind of joyful, loving family units he says he aspires to, then it’s time to say,yo, cram it, Mike Seaver. And if you’re using the Bible as the template for relationship advice, know what in hell you’re talking about. OK?] emphasis added

Please do click on "supergay" oatmeal because it illustrates perfectly the world view these creeps use to filter their view of life; they know God personally, and He talks to them so any disagreement with their theocracy goes against god and all that is right and holy.

How dare you watch Big Bang Theory because Jim Parsons is gay?

Video of Romanian lady absolutely punking Kirk Cameron, freakin' funny.

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