Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Willard Romney's Problems with the Servants

[What's happened is appalling but it's easily explained: the world of Mitt Romney, the world of America's super rich, has simply decoupled itself from the United States.

As the rest of the world develops new technologies, bolsters its space programs and discovers new subatomic particles, here in the United States Mitt Romney's visionary plan for our future involves throwing 30 million people off Obamacare and ballooning the deficit through further unproductive tax cuts to rich people like himself who don't need them.

After that he'll rest presumably.

Then on the eight day he'll probably de-fund Planned Parenthood and commence throwing the gays out of the military, the City Hall's, the Pentagon, the White House and Utah, possibly....

Romney lives in an alternative America, the one where even your car has its own dedicated elevator. It's the America where he hasn't answered to the little people in his life. He's not about to start now.

The rich, wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald, are different. They have enough money to sound proof the walls. Shouts of outrage and anger do not reach them. They never have and they never will.

Meanwhile in the real America that you and I live in, you know the one with the working stiffs fighting to get (or keep) a job, balance their bank account, keep the phone connected and the lights on - the nation where more and more people are ruminating darkly about the health and likelihood of a functioning democracy - well against all odds things have been slowly improving for us. There's a sliver of light on the horizon.

But Romney and his cadre of fat cat billionaires want to refinance that silver lining, offer it sub prime loans with the option to renegotiate, then they want to move it offshore to China where they can avail of non-union wage drops and unsafe working conditions to produce it a much lower cost.

We're told there's no money to invest in the nation's economy, in health care, in industry, in infrastructure, in construction, or in our stagnant wages. But there's no limit on the amount being donated to the candidate who will best serve billionaires.

There truly is two America's. They never see each other now. Mitt Romney will never live where the rest of do.]

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