A Muslim will not lie to you before, during, and after a transaction.
If you ever chance upon a Christian back yard mechanic or politician in campaign season, put your hand on your wallet and run.
Scam artists flock to Christian churches. While having perfect faith in the imperfectability of Mankind and thus sure mosques have frauds too, on the balance I'd trust Muslims more than Christians.
The former mayhap fear Allah more than latter fear "God the Father" and the PEACEFUL followers of the Qu'ran seem more apt to reckon the cost of their actions to others while "Christians" blithely forgive themselves while blindly sinning.
Oh for some sighted sinners with humans admitting to themselves they do wrong as they defraud, swindle, and plunder in pursuit of profit rather than this sad parade of pinstriped pirates professing piety before prosecution!
Ever'body gots to watch out for ever'body, because sometimes Satan comes as a Man Of Peace
(Didja notice how previous sentence carries some amibiguity? You have to look out for people trying to rob you and look out for people getting robbed or otherwise need help. It might be part of that do unto others thing.)
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