Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yay, I Got Trolled!

Left a msg on a Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul video on YouTube .

Got this in reply from whtpwr, probably a pseudonym for whitepower: "You f***ing fag. Why dont you ask Stevie why he doesn't speak out against human rights abuses towards South Africans Whites, and the Palestinians??He's a racist nigger lover, that's why." (edited for 1 vulgarity)

My reply went thus: "Dear Whitepower:

You write as a total moron and insecure loser blaming others for your failure.  Little Steven sings against INJUSTICE, not races.  How's Obama working for you?  Listen to some blues, drink a beer, and chill.


Gosh, I love the intertubes.  Don't know why I replied save for smile it put on my face.

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