Sunday, September 12, 2010

This Guy Ran With Chopsticks

Shall we ask ourselves whether this sign constitutes sedition, incites violence, suggests armed revolution against duly elected officials, and amounts to treason?

Hell Yes!!!!

My local Sentinel columnists doubt but these cretins constitute clear and present danger to US democracy as well as putting a stake through the heart of civil discourse.

Restoration to what, pray tell?

Restoration to a Constitution which counted male Negroes as 3/5 human for purposes of dividing seats in the US House of Representatives among states?

Restoring the right to vote for US Senators to state legislatures instead of citizens as RepubliKKKan nominee for 24th district of FL for US House of Representatives?

These people and fellow tea party travelers go beyond bat shit crazy to freaking downright dangerous.

So you puling progressive pukes popping off on Pres. Barry, ponder Pres. Palin's Supreme Court nominees; you know who  you are.

With all due respect to linked bloggers this ant respects, quit yer bitchin'.


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