Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Orlando is #1!!!!!!

Yay, my humble little empire of dirt got ranked as #1 smuttiest city in the US.

[Orlando, the home of Mickey Mouse and all those Disney family values, has been named the smuttiest city in the United States. 

Men’s Health magazine added up the number of adult DVDs purchased, rented, or streamed; the number of adult entertainment stores; the rate of porn searches (Google Insights); and the percentage of Cinemax-subscribing households

And Orlando came out on top.

Las Vegas is No. 2.

Florida came in as the most salacious state, according to the smut census.

Tampa is No. 8, and Miami is No. 12 on the magazine’s list. Jacksonville is 52 and St. Petersburg is 60.] Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/07/2787603_orlando-named-the-smuttiest-city.html#storylink=addthis#storylink=cpy Hat tip Suburban Guerrilla.

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