Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paul Ryan, Suckled on the Teat of Big Govenment

Well golly gee whiz, Paul Ryan, Hypocrite, WI, preaches the Ayn Rand philosophy of social Darwinism ,that the poor need to suck it up, work through hunger, and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Great thought except he states--and maybe even believes--government and laws played no part in creating his wealth, only his own rugged individualism made that possible.

Great story, except for the absolute falsehood.

Paul Ryan made his money the old fashioned way; he inherited it.

Hs grandfather stated  company which built things like roads and highways, things paid for by the federal government which benefited all the citizens of the United States, things which treasonous Republicants refuse to spend money on now because creating jobs might actually benefit the current administration politically.

These selfsame Republicants now weeping and wailing about federal deficits voted for stimulus bills during the Cheney administration.  Paul P90X Ryan even requested money for WI businesses from the Obama administration stimulus programs, rankest hypocrisy of the sublime order.

For Keyne's sake it ain't rocket science; when an economy disastrously slows the federal government ought to step in to provide jobs doing things we all need: fixing bridges, filling potholes, and even putting together solar panels.  People cash their paychecks to buy food and other essentials and enough buying results in an expanding economy.

[...Paul Ryan’s great-grandfather started a construction company to build railroads and, eventually, highways. According to the Web site of Ryan Incorporated Central, the company was “founded in 1884 with a single team of mules building railroad embankments in Southern Wisconsin.” And in the 1800s, railroad construction was subsidized by the federal government. Mid-century, President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act into law, providing taxpayer dollars to fund the construction of a transcontinental railway. All railroads thereafter connected to, and benefited from, that public investment....

With a net worth of up to $3.2 million and ranking as the 124th richest member of Congress, Paul Ryan very directly and very significantly benefited from the federal spending he now rails against.

Or does he? What’s funny is that Mr. Anti-Spending secured millions in earmarks for his home state of Wisconsin, including, among other things, $3.3 million for highway projects. And Ryan voted to preserve $40 billion in special subsidies for big oil, an industry in which, it so happens, Ryan and his wife hold ownership stakes. Yet Ryan wants to gut financial aid for college students, food stamps for hungry families, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security — the very things that have, historically, helped poor families climb the ladder of opportunity in America.

And this is precisely the problem with the Romney-Ryan vision for America: It takes the ladder of opportunity and public infrastructure that helped the previous generation and yanks it up for the next generation.....

It’s “I Got Mine, Now Screw You!” economics.]  Emphasis added to emphasize truth.

These pictures googled come not from epic disaster film du jour but from collapse of Interstate bridge in MN.

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