Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pregnant After Rape: Why people without a uterus should shut the frack up!

God help anyone who hurts my teenage nieces.  I will kill the perpetrators.  Painfully.  Repeatedly after reviving them to kill them again.

(Preferably, first we will imply great mayhem will fall on any suitors who fail to act as gentlemen.}

This explains why I try to become a follower of Jesus but trying in my heart does not include forgiving, a sin for sure and one which will have to abashedly confess when my time comes but ain't changing after 54 years.

So personal stories of victims of violent crimes shake me as cannot believe a human feels the need to assert power and dominance over and ability to diminish another by rape.

Then, getting on my last unperturbed brain cell, Todd, idiot asscclown Akin, MO, trots out his ignorance of theology, biology, and uses it to construct a fascist ideology to control the bodies of women

Ideologue "Christian" conservatives usually rely on their "special" knowledge of  what God wants by selecting certain passages of the Bible and ignoring others.  Leaving aside their hypocritical crusade to become the new Pharisees and create a theocracy in the United States according to their own prejudices, let's go ahead and look at 2 passages disproving their bullshit.

Exodus 21:22 concerns injury of a woman resulting in miscarriage and thus no murder had occurred.

Genesis has God breathing life into clay, meaning life can't begin until a human stats breathing.

Nevertheless, these ideologues in their messianic, misplaced zeal cannot admit of possibility of their own error because fanatics need a cause to make them judgmental little tin plated gods of their own, more eager to condemn than forgive, a very human impulse of my own.

So these idiots will, if elected, dictate to victims of rape what the women ought do with their own bodies.


[At 19 years old, I became an unwilling expert on the topic of rape. I learned about rape’s savagery and its psychological trauma.

Lately, we’ve been hearing from men who don’t know much about the subject at all. On Monday, Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., created a stir when he said, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” But his casual, off-the-cuff ignorance is just the latest in a long line of insults. In March, Kansas Rep. Pete DeGraf said, “Women should plan ahead for rape the way he keeps a spare tire.” A few weeks after that Indiana state Rep. Eric Turner said, “Some women might fake being raped in order to get free abortions.” I can’t stand by and watch these men who have no personal experience with sexual assault pretend to know so much about it.

I do know about rape. I received an education of the highest degree, and now it’s my turn to teach....

But just when I thought the horror couldn’t escalate any further, things got worse: My period never came. At first, I assumed it was due to the stress and anxiety, so I waited. I waited and waited, and fear swarmed in my mind....]

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