Tom Head: Raising Taxes Because He Wants To
Second off, I do not care how seasoned your police are, they cannot take out a predator drone or the United States Marines. And there would be thousands of them — all whining about being in damn Lubbock.]
How in the name of blind justice did this fool become a judge? Lord, I know it only TX, but this strains the bounds of credulity.
How did crackpot borderline psychopaths get so comfortable stating publicly what they secretly believe, in this case a duly elected President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, who would disband the United States and turn it into a fiefdom of the United Nations.
What do these people smoke, ingest, imbibe, inject, or consume?
Timothy Leary's ghost, give me some of them drugs.
Seriously cannot make this shite up, justifying raising local taxes to fight off black federal government helicopters.
[Texas Judge Tom Head is worried about what might happen if President Obama wins reelection in November. There could be riots, unrest or a “civil war, maybe,” he told a local television station this week.
Because of that, the Lubbock County judge has decided the only way to prepare is to increase taxes to help beef up local law enforcement.
“I’m thinking worst case scenario now,” Head said during an appearance on FOX 34 in Lubbock. “Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war, maybe. And we’re not talking just a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.”
The judge spun the elaborate conspiracy theory while calling for a 1.7 cent hike per $100 on property taxes in Lubbock County, a measure being considered by the commission there. He said he feared Obama would hand over sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations and the unrest would naturally follow.
Head’s role as judge is an elected position akin to executive of the county commission, which is known as a court. He presides over commission meetings, prepares the budget and is in charge of the county’s emergency management.
Under Head’s theory, the United Nations would then send in peacekeeping troops to try to quell the violence and that’s where he would draw the line. He vowed to stand in front of the county’s armored vehicle and stare down the U.N. troops if that happens.
“And the sheriff, I’ve already asked him, I said, ‘You gonna back me?’” the judge said. “He said, ‘Yeah, I’ll back you.’ Well, I don’t want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.”] Sure, like a bunch of beer bellied red neck sheriffs will stand off a fleet of predator drones. Emphasis added to ridicule.
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