Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Bacon Number:" Kewl Google Easter Egg

Update: Found Otto Jespersen, an actor with 0, nada, zip, zilch, degrees to Kevin  Bacon.

Gotcha, Google fiendish algorithm!

Guess Google ain't all evil.

[To aid the search for those connections, Google incorporated an Easter Egg search function on Thursday that makes it possible for people to search "Bacon Number" followed by an actor's name and see how many steps it takes to link them to the Apollo 13 star.

With the introduction of this new function, it quickly became clear that the Bacon Number is not the hallowed symbol for Hollywood connectivity it once seemed, with most results showing an easy four or fewer associations to get to the actor.

"Anybody who is in modern Hollywood is basically two degrees from Kevin Bacon," said Patrick Reynolds, a computer scientist who runs the Oracle of Bacon site, which has been doing basically the same thing as the Google function since 1995 using the Internet Movie Database to analyze connection data.

What's more, said Reynolds, approximately 99% of the 2.5 million actors in the IMDb are four degrees or fewer from Bacon. Which is why those seeking a true six-degrees challenge, should pick someone like young actress Elizabeth Olsen (Bacon Number: 2)....

People like William Rufus Shafter, an army officer from the American civil war, who appeared as himself in two short silent films from 1898, and is one of 27 people who are a rule-breaking eight degrees from Bacon.

And the notion that Bacon can always be reached by six degrees or less as the most connected actor in Hollywood is resoundingly false. There are 196 other actors whose connection is greater than the six-degree mark, which is one reason why the site has Bacon currently ranked as the 444th most connected actor in Hollywood.

He cedes top billing as the most connected to Sean Connery, Dennis Hopper and Christopher Lee who are regularly at the top on the site's thousand most-connected actors list.]

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