Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Slut Shame, Victim blame, and history of rape

Fundamentalists in many cultures deem women who "have relations" outside of marriage as sluts, worthless & unprotected by custom or law.  As a nascent male feministblogs help me realize how a myriad of ways patriarchal history & societal rules today perpetuate themselves; males oft perceive females as available for the taking as property or chattel.

Porn can ratchet this view up exponentially for those without way to see differences between reality & fantasy.

Swear to goddess all should carry warning from Gordon Solie: "Kids, don't try this at home; these people are athletes."  Plus yoga devotees to boot.

Plus, in my day--roughly the 70's--you had to turn 18 or have fake id and search out stores in seedy neighborhoods to procure porn, making it rare & special while now all of all ages can find it with click of a mouse & high speed connection, great for adolescent males, like giving a loaded AK-47 with safety off to a toddler.  

This goes further than "adult" media, what with gymnastic outfits cut higher than ever before & nonsense broadcasting company focusing on posteriors of female beach volleyball players. People criticized Olympian Gabby Douglas' hair, for Echidne's sake.  Even comic books come with art exaggerating female physical traits.

Sure, sex sells but how will media shape my nieces?  Will they become themselves or try to become what they perceive some other wants?

Sure, all healthy relationships carry compromise which carries change.  When dating my future wife, told her upfront Sunday afternoons reserved for Miami Dolphins games.  Raised in Miami, she sometimes would say hey, it's halftime, let's do it.  After marriage when I suggested the same, she got mad: "Oh, THAT'S ALL YOU EVER THInK AbOUT IS FOObTALL.  WHERE'S THE ROMAnCE?  ( note: Sorry, "n" & "b" keyboard keys cashed & have to cut & paste 'em.)

So sex lasts for a while, but friends stay forever, like friends  b & b still make each other laugh like sharing an eternal inside joke.

Me, I just seek a lunch date with a genetic female & will pay if we go to beefy king.

"How many times exactly does someone have to be insulted, harassed, or terrorized before the conversation can be about the person who accosted them & not about what else they could have done? Should have done? How many incidents (all with different people, different settings, different responses) does it take before the discussion is about ways to stop the harassers & not ways to respond to them so that they maybe, possibly, if you’re lucky won’t escalate?"

[Men have been in the business of deciding when it is okay and when it is not okay to rape women for thousands of years. If Missouri Rep. Todd Akin's claim that women's bodies magically fend off rapist sperm or the GOP's meditation on what's really rape sound medieval to you, that's because they are. Check out our timeline of the male notions and common-law statutes that have defined rape over time, and see for yourself which eras the GOP's views on rape line up with:

Property theft: The Code of Hammurabi, one of the first sets of written laws, which dates to about 1780 BC (and contains the old "eye for an eye"), defines rape of a virgin as property damage against her father. If you were married, sorry lady: You were an adulteress. Punishment? You get thrown in the river.]

"Cynthia “Thea” Rodgers drew this one. Her website is here."

"Nick Perks is the artist for this one. Here is his website. This is the first of two pieces from Nick this week!"

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