Thursday, September 13, 2012

Margaret & Helen Rock!

[....I think the Republicans had it hard. After four years of obstructing government, they had to do something really difficult. They had to put together a convention in Tampa while God flooded Louisianna. They had to convince a bunch of white, christians that camels are skinnier and needles have bigger eyes these days. And then they had to breathe life into a $3,000 business suit.

Listen, if you’re going to hold a convention and interrupt three days of my programs, then you better at least tell me something I didn’t already know. And you better damn well not take me for a fool. And speaking of fools, Ann Romney broke my heart. I am still horrified at the struggles she and Mitt had to go through before they got out of wealthy to become fantastically wealthy. It was just so emotional to watch her standing there in a pair of $1,300 shoes describing the horrors of their early years eating penne pasta and ahi tuna fish on an ironing board because Mitt asked his Dad for money to start a new business instead of for the new furniture she wanted. Well, my heart just broke for her. It did....

Seriously, the one who had it the hardest was, of course, Mitt. He had to look alive and almost human. He had to explain how he is Pro-Life whenever he isn’t running for an office that needs him to be Pro-Choice. He had to explain how he turned things around in Massachusetts by inventing Obamacare before Obama so that five years later he could explain how Obamacare is the root of all evil. And he had to make a case that Democrats are bad for business despite the fact that he amassed a fortune at Bain while Bill Clinton was President.]

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