Friday, September 14, 2012

Poverty of the Elites: Free market famine in Ireland

The Graves are Walking: Free trade uber alles.

[....It is still an insane thought that the most successful country in the world at the time allowed millions to starve in Ireland, its’ closest colonial neighbor.

Imagine the US, the land of plenty, allowing millions of Hawaiians to starve in a Famine there and you get some sense of the absurdity....

But also documented here is O’Connell’s disastrous decision to throw in his lot with Whig leader Lord John Russell who became Prime Minister in July 1846 at the beginning of the worst period of the Famine....

But in the process he backed a man who had become a fully-fledged free trader who insisted that market prices must be received and no government intervention made – even when the result was millions of Irish starving because they could not afford to buy the imported corn.

Russell’s predecessor, the Tory leader Sir Robert Peel, as Kelly points out, had adopted a far more humane policy and had been widely praised for ordering and freeing up imported corn for starving Irish the previous year when the worst of the Famine was blunted.] emphasis added to fa
n spark of humanity in souls of all who read this.
Read more:

[Rock’n’roll great Bruce Springsteen has received a welcome bump after the Democratic National Convention when his tune ‘We Take Care of Our Own’ played right after President Barack Obama’s speech.

The Huffington Post reports that ‘We Take Care of Our Own’ jumped an astounding 409 per cent following its use at the DNC. The song was downloaded 2000 times, which Billboard reports is the most since March....

Despite the song officially being added to Obama’s political campaign playlist, Springsteen is insisting that he is not throwing his support behind any candidate for election 2012 like he did back in 2008.

“I prefer to stay on the sidelines," Springsteen told ABC News in January. "I genuinely believe an artist [is] supposed to be the canary in the coal mine, and you’re better off with a certain distance from the seat of power."

While Springsteen would have liked to have seen "more activism in job creation sooner than it came," he did say he thought Obama had done a good job thus far in his presidency.

Said Springsteen, “He kept GM alive, which was incredibly important to Detroit and Michigan, and he got the health care law passed, although I wish there had been a public option and didn’t leave the citizens victims of the insurance companies. He killed Osama bin Laden, which was extremely important. He brought some sanity to the top level of government.”] emphasis added

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