Wednesday, July 11, 2012

United States Infant Morality

Predictably enough, the states with most political opposition to the Affordable Care Act and increased Medicaid spending make up those states with the most infant deaths.

Infant mortality rates have long use as a benchmark statistic for analyzing whether a a society provides for general welfare of citizens.

Infant deaths also correlate strongly to measures of poverty.  With poverty, pregnant women find themselves less able to receive neonatal health care, nutrition, and a whole host of factors which contribute to having healthy baby that survives over a year.

But these ass clown politicians in these states care not for livig humans; they care only for fetuses.

In my beloved by me state of FL, our governor 48.9% proudly proclaims the state government will spurn extra Medicaid funds, thus condemning infants to death and a lifetime of decreased opportunities because of low birth weight and lack of post natal care, putting his social Darwinist ideology ahead of actual human lives.

What church do you attend, Rick Scott?

PS:  Rates of death depicted in red above approach those of third world countries.  Yay America!

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