Saturday, August 4, 2012

Po Po Raid Miley Cyrus' Home for Utter Lack of Talent

Well, no, not really but shoulda been.

Sure, poor child grew up in Hollywood, spawn of no talent country singer who had 1 damn hit, who then sold her to Disney for an abysmal TV show only on 'cause cable requires content 24/7, and she lives merchandising every cliche of teenage stardom and celebrity like the Kardashian clan.

Oops, "hacked semi nude photos" came out but at least Miley 18 now so I don't feel shame when looking for them

That last bit came too easy.

From whence did Kardashian clones come from?  How can they make bank marketing concept of celerity when none have any charm, talent, wit nor accomplishments other than selling themselves to tabloid press and reality TV shows?

[Armed police mistakenly raided Miley Cyrus' home on August 1st after a prankster put in a call about a possible kidnapping and shooting at the house, reports the BBC. Authorities also responded with rescue crews and helicopters, but soon realized the home was empty. Police attributed the incident to "swatting," a recent trend of prank calls that aim to get a police squad to overtake an innocent building or house.]
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