Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Link Salad w/ Lo Cal Dressing

Writing this blogs brings me to places I'd never thought to go: defending marriage equality, writing about my conversations with Jesus, and applauding most recent pontiff.

After calling Marco Rubio, Senator, Hypocrisy, as lower than a belly of a snake, where can I go: comedic or serious, poetic or prosaic, love or loss or both together or who the frack cares?

So follow a few links for amusement before getting to the heavy stuff (Just remind me to follow them):,,,

Oh heck, peruse this para from the last: "Give full credit to his statement, and Christie stands as a hardball-playing governor who horribly misjudged or distorted the character of those around him and compounded the felony by trying to skate by their wrongdoing without full investigation. Take his denials of knowledge with skepticism, and the man is a monster." emphasis added
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