Friday, December 27, 2013

"Conservatives have not read the Bible."

Could not have written nor said it better myself.  From the words of Isaiah to the minor prophets to the words of Jesus Himself to Matthew 25 where he said inasmuch as you've done it for the least of my brethern, you've done it for me.

Feels like I've come out of a coma to awake in a country I no longer recognize: where 7 homeless people froze to death in San Francisco already this winter, where a shanty town lives within stones throw of Silicon Valley, where the wealthy 1% gobble up ever more of the larder of this country, where decent jobs have gone to China because thise poor people oppressed with impunity by their class system, where rich Republicans claim our country broke yet inflation remainss low and the rest of the world uses our currency as the benchmark.

No, we are not broke.

Our country can do whatever it decides upon AND feed the hungry.

Makes me so damn angry!  Why have we not arisen, sharpened our pitchforks, lit our torches. ad gone after the bastards who oppress us.

Because we have bought their big lie that it's our fault when in reality the inequality we se is a feature and not a bug of this sick, diseased, corpulent, rotting body politic.

Damn youse, damn youse all to hell!

[The Right has successfully rebranded the brown-skinned liberal Jew, who gave away free healthcare and was pro-redistributing wealth, into a white-skinned, trickledown, union-busting conservative, for the very fact that an overwhelming number of Americans are astonishingly illiterate when it comes to understanding the Bible. On hot-button social issues, from same-sex marriage to abortion, biblical passages are invoked without any real understanding of the context or true meaning. It’s surprising how little Christians know of what is still the most popular book to ever grace the American continent.]

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