Monday, December 30, 2013

"Like dogs returning to their vomit"

Just to remind any sentient being who cares how these right wing neocon slime spreading pricks operate--yes, Sarah Palin wears a skirt but really think her born a man and now post operative transexual--they invent the wildest lies, calumnies, and deceits to impugn the reputations of decent Democratic politicians and any one else who gets in their way by trying to tell the truth.

For example, my sources say Ted Cruz really sired by a Satan spawned demon and in his off hours eats roasted puppies and picks his teeth with leg bones of babies sacrificed on the altar of Mammon.

[For example, Fox News' Chris Wallace doesn't know that the NYT article was intended to "clear the decks for Hillary", but, as always, some people say...just as I don't know that Mike Wallace's death in 2012 was the result of heartbreak brought on by unbearable humiliation at having such a shameless hack for a son, but I hear some people say that too...

But seriously, like dogs returning to their vomit, if you have eyes to see and memory you will not fail to notice that the clowns who are now circling the Benghaaaaazi! wagons over the Treason! of Four Dead Americans! Murdered! Deliberately! By Hillary! The Butcher of Benghazi! are the same, blood-drunk chickenhawks who spend the Bush Years jerking off behind their keyboards as the lives of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and trillions of your tax dollars were shoveled down the rathole of their dreams of Neocon Empire.

A regular, Chickenhawk High School reunion.]

Lest we forget, these Chickenhawk shitheads lied us into war with Iraq for no gain and lots of loss, of money and the precious blood of American soldiers, and started a war in Afghanistan now perpetuated because of ignorance.

More recently, some of these very same people shut down our government like spoiled brats who dod not get their way with all they wanted.

Also found at Driftglass, Ted Cruz, Senator, state of unparalleled ignorance, gives an interview denying the fact he instigated that governmental shutdown, as befits a man of God whose illegal alien Canandian Daddy says annointed to save freedom, thus freeing Teddy boy from any pesky ninth commandment to tell the truth.

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