Sunday, December 29, 2013

Neil Young: "Waging Heavy Peace"

As both my readers may have noted, listening to a bit of Neil Young's music as well as reading his autobiography, Waging Heavy Peace, demolishing along the way my preconceptions of the man, his life, and his music.

Sure, knew of his reputation as bit of an eccentric, model train enthusiast, and father of an autistic son.  Yet, if possible, his book revealed him as so much more: artist searching his whole life through for glimpses of his muse, a humble kid from Canada, and a modern day Da Vinci--the Leonardo one--with an abiding concern for our planet and a future fucked by fossil fuels.

Instead of just wringing his hands and whining like most hippies, however, Mr. Young has taken the lead in inventing new power system for our cars, ones which use biomass energy to create electrical energy to keep battteries charged.

We humans can literally use our waste to create propulsion, and can do this without converting too much corn into ethanol, thus leaving food for hungry masses--at least inasmuch half the book has explained to my little brain.

Perhaps more interesting to me remains still how he has internalized, dealt with, and accepted a series of health problems for himself and his son.

This stands in utmost contrast ti my reactions--denial and anger over the fact my legs have failed and again have to walk the path of becomiing a quadrepeligic if my spinal cord continues to atrophy.  For now, am angry at my legs for failling me.

Mr Young's life brought him many times for anger at fate or others and he chose other, peaceful paths.

Pray his exsample will teqch me how to wage peace,

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