Friday, October 7, 2011

"I Will Pick No More of Your Bitter Fruit."

In another endless series of examples showing how ideology trumps reality for "modern" RepubliKKKans, the new draconian anti-immigrant law in AL has driven farm workers out of the state and, this threatens ruin to farmers, who watch their tomatoes wither on the vine.

Of course absent of any logic or facts, teabagging fools will blame the Kenyan Muslim socialist occupier of the White House for the consequences of RepubliKKKan's insanity when produce prices predictably rise..

Also predictable, migrant workers sreaming to FL to work, support their families, and buy stuff which will help the economy in FL.

Never thought I'd say it, but thanks GA and AL.

[STEELE, Ala. -- A sponsor of Alabama's tough new immigration law told desperate tomato farmers Monday that he won't change the law, even though they told him that their crops are rotting in the field and they are at risk of losing their farms.

Republican state Sen. Scott Beason of Gardendale met with about 50 growers, workers, brokers and business people Monday at a tomato packing shed on Chandler Mountain in northeast Alabama. They complained that the new law, which went into effect Thursday, scared off many of their migrant workers at harvest time.

"The tomatoes are rotting on the vine, and there is very little we can do," said Chad Smith, who farms tomatoes with his uncle, father and brother...

"There won't be no next growing season," farmer Wayne Smith said.

"Does America know how much this is going to affect them? They'll find out when they go to the grocery store. Prices on produce will double," he said.] emphasis added

[Tougher immigration laws in Alabama and Georgia may be forcing more illegal immigrants into Florida. Farmers in Alabama say their migrant pickers have been abandonoing the state, since the new immigration law went into effect last week.

That may be just one effect of the new law. Farmers are also saying you can expect higher produce prices at your grocery stores.

Georgia, which passed it's tougher immigration measure last year, is already experiencing the drawbacks. Parts of Alabama and Georgia are harvesting tomatoes right now and many farmers say they don't have enough workers to pick the crops. They're having to hire legal workers, if they can find any to work. Since legal workers cost more than the illegal immigrants, you can expect prices to go up.

"This is the biggest mess personally we think we have ever seen in the life of our farm" says local tomato farmer John Alpin.]

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